One of the authors of my favorite blogs,, talks about her "FPs" or favorite patients. These are the patients that just find an extra special place in your heart for one reason or the other. I've had a few FPs, most of them on the medicine rotation. One of my FPs was the patient discussed in the last post (FYI: who recovered well and is now continuing chemotherapy).
My FP this month is an 83yo lady who was admitted for bloody diarrhea. She is just the cutest LOL (little old lady) ever. I hope I look half as good and I'm half as sweet when I'm her age. I could always walk into her room in the morning expecting a cheerful "good morning" accompanied by a smile. Despite being in the hospital, she took care in the way she looked. She had always showered (not the case for a lot of our patients), combed her hair neatly back, and even had some flowers and nick nacks decorating her room. She had the sweetest way of asking me questions and would always ask if I could update her daughter.
I walked in today and she was on her laptop!! An 83yo sweet, smart, tech-savvy lady -- impressive. She then proceed how she was going to TEXT her daughter to pick her up later in the day -- text! I was so impressed, and I told her so. She was just such a breath of fresh air. 83 and not letting anything keep her down, ready to face the day, and taking on any challenges life might throw her away, including texting ;)
Thanks for sharing your FP, she really sounds very sweet! I'm so glad you have patients like that around.