Friday, September 23, 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

This week we have been learning about movement disorders in our neurology module. We've had patient interview almost every day, which has been great. The patients we had with Huntington's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis particularly impressed me. What stood out about them was not their severe, lifespan-shortening disease, but rather their positive outlook on life. Seeing these patients struggle to walk and move and describe their cognitive decline is difficult. It makes me sad for them, and I think about the struggle they and their family must go through. Yet, both of them were happy.

The multiple sclerosis patient was jovial and joked around with us during the interview, making fun of his doctor from New Jersey with a few Jersey jokes. "Did you ever notice the Statue of Liberty is facing AWAY from New Jersey?" and "Did you know they charge a toll to go out of New Jersey to New York, but there is no toll to go in?" At the end, he simply stated "There are people worse off than me. There are people going to bed starving every night. I think I'm ok."

The Huntington's disease patient described the judgement she encountered at the National Huntington's conference about having a child, and she said "I have ENJOYED my life." ...even having Huntington's.

I have so much admiration for these patients. I don't know if I would be able to keep a positive outlook if faced with such an incredible challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, these patients' positive outlook is an inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
