Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Passing the Torch

Tonight I met my "little sib." Emory assigns each of the incoming medical students a "big sib" to act as a guide/mentor/friend/whatever you need to the M1. It's a pretty nice to have someone to share their wisdom about medical school life because it's a pretty big adjustment, and you are freaking out about what you're doing for about the first 6 months.

I remember meeting my big sib last year and getting a follow-up email from her full of valuable advice -- overwhelming at the time -- but great to refer back to throughout the year. It's such a strange feeling to now be the "big sib"-- the wiser, older med student who has been through it all and is now giving advice to the "new generation."

I remember how advanced in their knowledge base and confident the M2s seemed last year. Am I really that M2 now? Looking back, I have learned an INCREDIBLE amount in this last year -- more than just facts and disease algorithms -- I have started to feel a little bit more comfortable in the doctor role, I have adjusted to the level of information we have to shove in our heads, I have learned to balance school with Ben, family, friends, and other interests.

Hard to believe a full year has passed and I am that much closer to becoming a doctor.


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